CCA Information
In Xinmin, we believe in giving our students a holistic education and CCAs play a big role in shaping our students’ secondary school experience. As the world increasingly becomes a more complex place to live in, CCAs play a critical role in preparing our students with human skills, grounded in core values. They provide our students with the opportunity to pursue their interests and acquire knowledge and skills. As a common space for students of diverse backgrounds to socialise, close friendships are forged as students journey through their experiences together for 4 to 5 years in Xinmin.
Our CCAs have always performed consistently well. Our Sports CCAs regularly qualify for the National rounds from the zonal stages in the National School Games, giving our athletes the chance to compete against the best amongst their peers. Our Visual and Performing Arts CCAs always strive to awe the audience during their public performances. At the biennial Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation, more often than not, they will achieve a distinction. Our Uniformed Groups, in their various Unit Competitions, consistently bags the Gold or Silver awards, affirming their efforts in developing our students to be rugged and resilient individuals. Last but not the least, our Clubs and Societies CCAs are recognized for their efforts in giving students a varied CCA experience as well as providing quality service for the school. While Xinmin strives to sustain these successes, the key focus of our CCAs is still the emphasis on character building and the belief that the journey is more important than the destination. Our teachers, coaches and volunteers play an active role in their respective CCAs to provide students with a meaningful CCA experience. However this must be complemented with students having a resilient mindset and a positive attitude. Parents also play an important role in reinforcing these values at home and hence it is our sincere hope that parents will partner the school and provide the support required so that every student can be an active contributor in his or her co – curricular journey in Xinmin.
1. LEAPS 2.0 – A Recognition System
To provide students with a holistic and well-rounded experience in the co-curriculum, the Ministry of Education (MOE) introduced the LEAPS 2.0 framework in secondary schools. LEAPS 2.0 has 4 domains as follow:
This framework serves to recognise a secondary school students’ holistic development. Students will be recognised with levels of attainment in the four domains.
Participation: This domain recognises students’ participation in one school-based Co-Curricular Activity (CCA). Recognition is based on the number of years of participation and exemplary conduct and active contribution to the CCA. Sustained engagement in the same CCA allows for progressive development of character, skills, knowledge and friendships, and will be accorded higher recognition.
Service: This domain recognises students’ development as socially responsible citizens who contribute meaningfully to the community. Every secondary school student will contribute at least 6 hours per school year to the community. They can choose to embark on a Values-In-Action project (VIA). Students will be recognised for the time they put into planning, service and reflection, when participating in a VIA project.
Leadership: This domain recognises students’ leadership development. Recognition is accorded to students’ ability to take charge of personal development, work in a team and assume responsibilities in service of others. In addition to formal leadership appointments, participation in student leadership modules/workshops, the National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) and leadership positions in the school, CCA or student-initiated/student-led projects will also be recognised.
Achievement: This domain recognises students’ representation and accomplishment in co-curricular involvements beyond the classroom. Opportunities for representation and accomplishment present valuable learning experiences for students to learn discipline, resilience and develop their character.
Recognition of Students’ Level of Attainment
At the end of the graduating year, students’ co-curricular attainment will be recognised according to Excellent/Good/Fair. The level of attainment will be converted to a bonus point(s) which can be used for admission to Junior Colleges/ Polytechnics/ Institutes of Technical Education (JC/Poly/ITE). Please refer to individual admission criteria of JC, Poly and ITE for specific details.
Co-Curricular Attainment |
Bonus points |
Criteria |
Excellent |
2 bonus points |
A student needs to attain a minimum Level 3 in all 4 domains with at least a Level 4 in one domain. |
Good |
1 bonus point |
A student needs to attain a minimum Level 1 in all 4 domains with any one of the following: |
(i) At least Level 2 in three domains |
(ii) At least Level 2 in one domain and at least Level 3 in another domain |
(iii) At least Level 4 in one domain |
Fair |
0 bonus points |
A Fair co-curricular attainment will not translate into any bonus points as the student has not met the minimum criteria for a Good co-curricular attainment. |
This domain recognises the students’ participation in school-based co-curricular activities (CCA).
Every student must participate in at least 1 school-based CCA throughout his/her stay in Xinmin Secondary School.
A student is allowed to participate in a 2nd school-based CCA if he/she is able to manage the commitments to both CCAs. A student is not allowed to discontinue his/her 1st CCA in lieu of the 2nd CCA should he/she decide to revert to having one CCA.
Students can change their CCA at the start of every academic year provided the following criteria are met:
75% attendance in their previous CCA for the year prior to changing CCA,
Student displays exemplary conduct* and acquires not more than 3 demerit points,
(There is vacancy in their next preferred CCA.
Change of CCA will be on a case by case basis pending approval by HOD PE&CCA and relevant CCA teacher I/Cs.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Participated in any CCA for 2 years with at least 75% attendance for each
Participated in any CCA for 3 years with at least 75% attendance for each
Participated in any CCA for 4 years with at least 75% attendance for each
Participated in any CCA for 5 years with at least 75% attendance for each
Participated in any CCA for 3 years with at least 75% attendance for each
year and demonstrated exemplary conduct* and active contribution*.
Participated in any CCA for 4 years with at least 75% attendance for each
year and demonstrated exemplary conduct* and active contribution*.
Participate in the SAME CCA for 4 years with at least 75% attendance for
each year and demonstrated exemplary conduct* and active contribution*.
Participate in the SAME CCA for 4 years with at least 75% attendance for
each year.
Participate in the SAME CCA for 5 years with at least 75% attendance for
each year.
*Exemplary conduct:
For the year of participation in any CCA, exemplary conduct will refer to:
Not more than 3 demerit points for each year.
A positive referral from respective CCA teacher – in – charge.
*Active contribution:
For the year of participation in any CCA, active contribution will refer to:
Sports and Games: To represent the school in an inter – school competition.
Visual and Performing Arts: To have participated in at least one school – based performance.
Uniform Groups: To attain all the required and relevant badges
Clubs & Societies: To fulfill all planned activities as required by the CCA, inclusive of CCA duties, participation in competitions, workshops, camps, expeditions etc.
This domain recognises the different levels of representation and accomplishment in the students’ involvement in school or other external organisations.
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Level 5 |
Represented class/house/CCA at intra-school event. |
Represented school/external organisation* at local/international event for 1 year. |
Represented school/external organisation* at local/international event for 2 years. |
Represented school/external organisation* at local/international event for 3 years or more. |
Represented Singapore Schools at local/international competition.
- |
- |
- |
Represented UG HQ at international event. |
Represented UG HQ at international competition. |
- |
- |
Represented school/external organisation* at local/international event
and achieved the following (for 1 year):
Represented school/external organisation* at local/international event
and achieved the following (for 2 years or more):
*Representation of external organisations and accomplishment at external events:
Students must provide evidence endorsed by an external organisation and accompanying results (if any) to HOD PE&CCA for verification.
Self-representation or personal participation without endorsement will not be recognised.
Involvement in events whereby participation is mass or voluntary in nature and does not require selection, training or preparation will not be recognised in this domain.
The school reserves the right to refuse endorsement of any representation or accomplishment.
For students in Uniformed Groups CCA, the level of attainment for the Achievement domain is determined by the highest level attained in either the previous table or in the table for the Achievement Badges for the Uniformed Groups (UG) below:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Proficiency Badge (Bronze)
Proficiency Badge (Silver)
Proficiency Badge (Gold)
Army - NCC Badge
Camp Pinnacle Badge
Knowledge of the Order Badge
Superintendent Badge
Commissioner Badge
Deputy Chief Commissioner Badge
Chief Commissioner Badge
Leadership Award
Leadership Award Stage 2
Intermediary Proficiency Award
Senior Proficiency Award
Founder's Award
Brigade Knowledge & Healthy Attitudes 1 badge
Senior Pin
Senior Pin, GB International, & Healthy Attitudes 2 Badge
Pioneer Pin
Pioneer Brigadier's Brooch
This domain recognises the student's leadership development in terms of participation in student leadership modules, formal leadership appointments, the National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) and leadership positions in student-initiated/student-led projects.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Completed 2 modules on leadership of at least 3 hours each.
Class Committee
Class committee positions
Class Chairperson
Class Vice-Chairperson |
Student Council
Student Council Intern To complete 6 months of Council training.
Student Councillor (more than 1 year in service after 6 months training
Senior Councillor (more than 2 years in service after 6 month training
Student Council Executive Committee
Student Council President/ VicePresident |
Student-Led School Committees
Committee for student-initiated projects approved by school.
Committee for student-led projects approved by school. |
Committee for schoolwide events.
Chairperson/ Vice-Chairperson for student-initiated projects approved by school. |
Chairperson/ Vice-Chairperson for schoolwide events. |
Sports and Games CCA Badminton Volleyball Rockclimbing Shooting Cross Country |
Lower Sec CCA Committee Member
Lower Sec CCA Captain/ Vice-Captain
Upper Sec CCA Committee Member |
Upper Sec CCA Executive Committee
CCA Captain/ Vice-Captain
Singapore Schools Team Captain/ Vice-Captain
National Team Captain/ Vice-Captain |
Performing Arts CCAs Choir Chinese Dance Guzheng English Drama Concert Band |
Lower Sec CCA Committee Member
Lower Sec CCA Chairperson / Vice-Chairperson
Lower Sec Executive Committee
Lower Sec Section/Group Leader
Upper Sec Section/Group Leader
Upper Sec CCA Committee Member
National Project of Excellence Section Leader |
Upper Sec CCA Executive Committee
CCA Chairperson/ Vice-Chairperson
Student Conductor |
Uniformed Groups BB GB NCC SJB |
Lower Sec CCA Committee Member
Lower Sec CCA Chairperson/ Vice-Chairperson
Lower Sec Executive Committee
Upper Sec CCA Committee Member |
CCA Executive Member
CCA Chairperson/ Vice-Chairperson |
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Master Sergeant
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Senior Staff Sergeant
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Warrant Officer
Lance Corporal
Staff Sergeant
Warrant Officer
National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA)
Silver and above
This domain recognises student involvement in community service and learning experiences through service activities and Values - in - Action (VIA) projects.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Completed at least 24 hours to less than 30 hours of service.
Completed at least 30 hours to less than 36 hours of service.
Completed at least 36 hours of service.
Completed at least one VIA project that impacts the school or community.
Completed at least 2 VIA projects that impact the school or community.
Completed at least 24 hours of service and at least one VIA project that
impacts the school or community.
Completed at least 24 hours of service and at least 2 VIA projects that
impact the school or community.
Completed at least 24 hours of service and at least one student-initiated VIA project that impact the community beyond the school AND at least one other VIA project. |