Assessment Plan
In line with MOE's announcements about the removal of Mid-Year examinations and the revisions to school-based assessments, a new assessment plan to better support our students' learning has been implemented.
The reasons for making this change include:
to create more time and space for our students to deepen their learning, better enjoy the process of learning, and develop dispositions for lifelong learning;
to encourage our students to revise their work more regularly throughout the year and not just prepare for summative assessments; and
to give our students more time to develop their knowledge and skills in the respective subjects before their summative assessment.
The assessment plan for Sec 1 to Sec 3 students are as follows:
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
WA1 (10%) |
WA2 (15%) |
WA3 (15%) |
EOY Exam (60%) |
For Sec 1 to 3 students, Weighted Assessments (WAs) consisting of written class tests, and alternative assessments such as online assignments, projects and practical tests will be conducted in Term 1, 2 and 3. We hope that the current assessment plan will help to reduce the assessment load and nudge the students to revise their work regularly throughout the year.
*Semestral-based subjects e.g., D&T and FCE will follow subject-specific assessment plans.
For Sec 4 and 5 students, they will be taking the following assessments:
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
WA1 |
WA2 |
Preliminary Examination |
Their results will be reported in the form of progress reports and result slips. However, only the scores obtained during the Preliminary Examinations will be used in the computation of school grades for their graduating year. Sec 4 and 5 students will not be graded based on alternative modes of assessment.
Weighted Assessments
WAs are not intended to be conducted as the national examinations, where they cause undue anxiety and stress for students. Students should treat each WA as gradual build-up of knowledge, skills and understandings in preparation for the final summative assessment (examinations).
For each term, WAs are conducted between Week 5 to Week 9 (for Term 1), Week 3 to Week 8 (for Term 2) and Week 3 to Week 9 (for Term 3). WAs are no longer administered in a common time slot. Instead, WA will take place during the timetabled subject time slot in the designated week for the class. Specific dates on which a subject’s WA are conducted may hence differ amongst classes. Students who are unable to sit for their written assessments or submit their alternative assessments should provide valid medical document(s) to their form teachers and/or subject teachers..
To manage our students' overall assessment load:
the WAs amongst different subjects have been spaced out across the weeks.
there are no more than two written WAs scheduled on a given day; and
not more than three written WAs per week.
WA Schedule will be released and published on our school website from the Week 3 of Term 1 and Week 1 of Terms 2 and 3.