Criteria for Student Progression
2025 Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 Students
Under Full Subject-Based Banding, the criteria for student progression aligns to the broader efforts by MOE to:
give students greater ownership of their learning according to their readiness, strengths, interests and learning needs, and
encourage students to develop a growth mindset and an intrinsic motivation to learn for life.
All students generally progress to the next year of learning, guided by a common academic requirement that applies at the end of Secondary 2 and Secondary 3.
Secondary 1 students will progress to Secondary 2 as the lower secondary curriculum is a two-year block. This eases the transition of a student from primary to secondary school and provides time for students to adjust to the curriculum.
At the end of Secondary 2 and Secondary 3, students need to meet the academic requirement to offer subjects at the same subject levels:
Pass^ (a) EL and 2 subjects, or
(b) at least half the total number of examinable subjects* offered
Secondary 1 and 2 students progressing to the next year of learning have opportunities to calibrate curricular load based on the school’s holistic considerations of what is educationally meaningful for each student.
Students who have met the academic requirement and have done well could consider offering subjects at more demanding level (MDL). To offer a subject at MDL, students need to have obtained ≥75% in subject overall marks.
Students who have not met the academic requirement are to offer fewer subjects and/or offer subjects at less demanding level (LDL).
^ ‘Pass’ refers to subject overall mark of at least 50%, regardless of subject level.
* ‘Examinable subjects’ do not include CCE, PE and lower secondary Music.
2025 Secondary 3 Students
To be promoted to Secondary 4, students will have to meet the minimum attainment level for their respective streams:
Promotion Criteria (Minimum Attainment Level)
Met Minimum Attainment Level |
Met Minimum Attainment Level AND Lateral Transfer Guideline^ |
Not Met Minimum Attainment Level@ |
Sec 3E# |
Grade 6 or better in EL and 2 other subjects |
Promoted to Sec 4E |
N/A |
Retained at Sec 3E |
Sec 3N(A) |
Grade 5 or better in:
Promoted to Sec 4N(A) |
N/A |
Retained at Sec 3N(A) |
Sec 3N(T) |
Grade D or better in 2 subjects, one of which should be EL or Mathematics |
Promoted to Sec 4N(T) |
Take Sec 3 in 2026 with most subjects at G2 |
Retained at Sec 3N(T) |
^ Minimum of 70% in the overall percentage of all subjects combined.
# For Sec 3E students who do not meet the Minimum Attainment Level, they can be advanced to Sec 4E if they meet Advancement Criteria of Grade 6 or better in 5 subjects.
@ Applicable only to students below the maximum age.